Friendship Cabin hosts Christmas lunch and announces new Warm Space in Fife town
January 02, 2023

Fife Today
Excellence Award for Innovation in the Community
March 12, 2021
It was a celebration The Friendship Cabin when they told that they had been awarded the Prestigious "Excellence Award for Innovation in the Community". This was an award given by
Generations Working Together for work done by organisations in promoting ideas that assisted and helped people across the generations, and recognises work done by The Friendship Cabin in promoting technology in the form of electronic Zoom sessions, which has helped all ages overcome a number of issues in their personal lives. The award was received by Pearl Weepers on behalf of The Friendship Cabin at the Generations Working Together Webinar Conference, when it was made clear that the presentation to The Friendship Cabin was awarded in preference to over 60 other applicants, and was a testament to the hard work by Trustees, Board Members and Volunteers. A short video confirming the work of The Friendship Cabin is attached.

Coronavirus in Scotland: Glenrothes friendship group goes digital to combat isolation during pandemic
October 26, 2020
Fife Today

Fife Today: Friendships get rekindled via Zoom meetings
May 20, 2020
Fife Today